Friday, October 31, 2008

What is the Tao of military?

The Tao is about benevolence towards people. Tao of warfare is about deception, so what is the Tao of military or in the modern case organizations?

When King Wu asked Jiang Ziya (Tai Gong): "What is the Tao of the military?"

Jiang Ziya said, "In general, as for the Tao of military, nothing surpasses unity."

Unity is the most important factor in the military. If there is unity, soldiers will stick together like brother. One taking care of the other, fight for each other and die together with honor. Unity is teamwork, therefore when orders are passed down, everyone is clear about the instructions. Disunity corrupt the whole military operation, bringing chaos and miscalculation. Therefore even if a general have the best winning strategies in the world, he will still lose because of the disunity among the army.

In Sun Tzu's Art of War, one of the six values of a general is trustworthy. Only with trustworthy, the soldiers will listen the orders of the generals and die for him.

In Zhuge Liang's Jiang Yuan, it stated that general should not be arrogant for they will become discourteous and people will rebel against him/her. A general should not be stingy for he/she will not reward the trustworthy and the soldiers will not be dedicated. Therefore strict instructions are given and discipline must be observed within the army. Make sure that rewards and punishments are clear so that the soldiers will trust the general and die fighting for him.

A wise general will show concern to the soldiers, he will treat them as brothers. Wu Qi, a famous winning strategist, emphasized on the unity of the army. When Wu Qi discovered that one of his soldiers is suffering from a painful boil, he went to the soldier and use his mouth to suck out the boil. The soldiers was shocked and touched by Wu Qi's actions and swear loyalty to him, when the whole army know about it, the morale of the army increased.

In modern day, organizations requires teamwork, therefore friendship counts. Friendship brings people closer to one another, this is unity. Therefore when chaos reigns or a problem appears, they will work together to solve the problem, they will never be apart from each other.

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