Sunday, October 12, 2008

Dealing with an Enemy in Battlefield

When dealing with an enemy, firstly know your enemy and yourself. Next, compare them to your army. Do not underestimate an enemy when it is weak.

Before the war starts, always get to the battlefield before the enemy in order to seize an advantageous position. If your enemy got the advantageous position, do not attack and withdraw from the battlefield. There are many ways to win a battle according to the amount of your army:

  1. If your army outnumber the enemy, surround them and attack
  2. If your army is five times of the enemy, attack them directly
  3. If your army is double the size of the enemy, divided them into two and attack enemy from the front and back.
  4. If your army is equal to the enemy, challenges them and ploy strategy to defeat them
  5. If the enemy outnumber your army, withdraw from battle

In the 1st chapter of Sun Tzu’s Art of War, it stated: when facing the enemy, pretend to be weak and inactive, pretend to be far when the target is near. When your target is far away, pretend to attack a nearby place. With this, the enemy will think that you are weak and will lower his/her army security.

These are some basic way of dealing with the enemy.

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