Monday, March 23, 2009

Wat's 以逸待勞???

This Chinese idiom is known as one of the 36 stratagems, which is "Substitute leisure for labor". This is to preserve one's power and assault the enemy when they are tired. This results in a smooth and swift victory without using much strength of the army.

In Sun Tzu's Art of War, it said that the one to be the first to reach the battlefield will be able to gain the most advantageous place and will not be tired. The one who reaches the battlefield after their enemy, they will not be able to gain good spots and will be tired by the long traveling. Therefore, a great army will reach the battlefield earlier than their enemy and wait for them while preserving their energy with training and rest.

In real life, it means not to waste any time, for a tiny piece of time means a lot of contribution or works. To do and make full preparation is better than hurrying up the job just before the deadline is up. We must always do preparations in advance to understand something before we can act on it. Waste no time, take no delays, be persevere and work things in advance.

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