Monday, September 22, 2008

Welcome to the Dynasty... ... ... ... ...

Welcome again to my secondary blog, this blog is dedicated to History of China. To U all readers out there, those who know little about the history of China, here are simple and detailed explanations of all of them. Those who got any queries, post it on the shoutbox. This blog will emphasize mostly on Bing Fa 兵法 or called the Art of War.

As you know, the most famous and commonly founded Art of War is Sun Tzu's. But there are many military treatises before or after his. Famous strategists or emperors in the past, wrote down their opinions about war and their experiences on military operation; what made them so successful in wars. In Ancient China, the best known classics are known as the Seven Military Classics
武經七書. The seven classics are:
  1. Wu Tzu's Art of War
  2. Wei Liao Tzu's Art of War
  3. Sun Tzu's Art of War
  4. Sima's Rules of War
  5. Questions and Replies between Tang Taizong
  6. Three Strategies of Master Yellow Stone
  7. Six Teachings of Jiang Zi Ya
Of course there are other military treatises such as the famous and heavenly Zhuge Liang or Sun Tzu's grandson Sun Bin.

Applying these treatise on today's life
Nowadays, there are modern technologies, there is no need for sticks and sword, there's guns. The Ancient Arts of War is the basic and advanced way of the military. Art of War are also linked to wisdom, leadership and even martial arts.

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