Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Liu Bang Vs. Xiang Yu

The Battle Between Chu and Han

After the defeat and fall of the Qing Dynasty, there are two great warlord fighting to gain the world.

Liu Bang, King of Han and Xiang Yu, Warlord of Chu is the two famous warlord. Xiang Yu is expert strategist and a prominent general. Liu Bang, according to Han History, he was once a simple villager and have no talent. But in the end, the result of the battle is the victory of Liu Bang. Why is it so?

Firstly, Liu Bang's side include a lot of great talents:

  • 张良(Zhang Liang), a military expert and the great contributor to the victory of Liu Bang.
  • 蕭何(Xiao He), a political expert and later became First Prime Minister of Han
  • 韩信(Han Xin), a military and genius general

These three people are the key to the victory of Liu Bang. Liu Bang is able to listen to their advices and put their words into action very quickly. This is Liu Bang's ability to use these talented people. Secondly, Liu Bang is an ambitious and virtueous man.

After a long battle between the two warlords, their morale is low and their food supply is depleting. The two warlords stop fighting and decided to divide China into two part; Han is the west and Chu is the east. After agreement, Xiang Yu retreat to the East.

As Liu Bang was about to retreat, his advisors Zhang Liang and Chen Ping told him not to retreat but chase after Xiang Yu. Liu Bang agreed and send 30 thousand soldiers to persuade Xiang Yu. Xiang Yu, with only 10 thousand soldiers decided to defend the land. Liu Bang's 30 thousand strong army is unable to take down Xiang Yu.

Zhang Liang suggested to Liu Bang to reward the stationary warlords with lands so that they will come as reinforcement to attack Xiang Yu. Liu Bang give the rewards and the warlords immediately surrounded Xiang Yu's army. And all the Han soldiers started to sing Chu song. This is the famous 四面楚歌. This is to demoralize the Chu army and disrupt their eagerness to fight. Xiang Yu was also shocked by the Chu song.

The Failure of Xiang Yu

Xiang Yu decided to send about 800 strongman to rush out of the land and escape. After a fierce battle during the escape, Xiang Yu's army is reduced to 28 men. Xiang Yu use these 28 strongman as a great formation to defeat the Han armies, the Han armies suffered heavy losses and Xiang Yu only lost 2 men. After his escape, he reached a river and a man with a boat, the man said to Xiang Yu to take the boat to his own territory and build up an army to attack Liu Bang. But Xiang Yu said, " I brought thousands of army across the river to fight with Han, but now all are reduced to a few. It is a shame to again arise from such embarrasment." He rejected the kind man's offer and fight the approaching Han army. After which, he decided to kill himself. And that is the end of the battle between Han and Chu.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

龙从天 虎从风

It is a new year, a year of tiger. Yet, tiger is a very well-known beast. To remember this very fierce year of tiger, let's hear a phrase in relation with tiger.
In the novel of the romance of the three kingdom, Cao Cao have a talk with Liu Bei in a Plum Garden. This is the famous story of Cao Cao's talk on heroes. It was said that during their meeting, drinking plum wine. The sky darkened and a storm is about to approach. Cao Cao stood up, facing the sky and said, "龙从天 虎从风."
What does 龙从天 虎从风 means?
Translating to english, it means Dragon from the sky, Tiger from the wind. In philosophy or metophorical term, Sky is like the Dragon, Tiger is like the wind. The Green Dragon and White Tiger are two of the four divine beast of the universe.
In 易经 (The Book of Changes), there is a phrase: 飞龙在天,利见大人. It means Flying Dragon rise to the sky, represent the heaven and the raise of a great and glorious person or emperor. Therefore, dragon is the symbol of majesty and greatness. 飞龙在天,上治也。Its relation to the sky is very infinite.
In the Book of Changes, 龙从天 虎从风 is present in it. Tiger represent fierce, as the wind. A gust of wind is like the roar of a tiger, very fast and quick. The wind is like an opportunity, the tiger's paw grasp the prey of opportunity. It is to catch any opportunity when it come, because it comes like the wind; it is fast and quick, being slow will miss this great chance, to catch it is to be able to be alert and be successful.
Therefore I wishes everyone Good Health and Wealth 新年快樂, 年年有餘, 除旧布新, 虎年行大运!!!

Monday, January 25, 2010

The Start of Three Kingdom

Three Kingdom Era is a very famous period of warfare, it is the era where heroes rise to different warlords. To study this short piece of ancient history, we need to find out the origin. What is the start of the era and how it is formed???

The history dated back to the reign of Han Dynasty by Emperor Ling of Han. In the reign of Emperor Ling, the government was corrupted. The eunuch faction dominated the Emperor, it was lead by the Ten Attendant and the Grand Attendant Zhang Rang. During the corruption, the people and farmers are very poor and have low standard of living. A Taoist leader Zhang Jiao led an army of farmers and thiefs and formed the Yellow Turban. Therefore, the Yellow Turban Rebellion started, destroying different states and killing many officials.

Emperor Ling order the great general He Jin to command an army to defend against the Yellow Turbans. General He Jin spread a message across China for the rise of heroes to defend against the great Yellow Turban Rebellion. Many heroes such as Liu Bei, Cao Cao, Sun Jian, Yuan Shao, Yuan Shu, etc formed their army to defeat the Yellow Turbans.

After the defeat of the Yellow Turban, there is a internal conflict in the Kingdom. Emperor Ling passed away and Emperor Shao ascend the throne, the Eunuch faction and the Empress' faction fight against each other. General He Jin sercetly ordered Dong Zhou to enter the Kingdom to kill the Eunuch. In the end, He Jin was killed by the Eunuch, and the two factions suffered heavy losses. Dong Zhou entered the Kingdom and controlled the government. He disposed Emperor Shao and make Emperor Xian the new Han emperor. Due to his tyrant action, warlords joined in alliance to fight against Dong Zhou.

Han Minister of Masses, Wang Yun, make a plot to kill Dong Zhou. After the death of Dong Zhou, his officers Li Jue and Guo Si controlled the Emperor. Internal conflict occurred in Li Jue and Guo Si, the two officers were eventually killed and the Emperor was lost on the streets.

During such period without the reign of Emperor Xian. Warlords rise to take over lands and expanding their territory. Cao Cao found Emperor Xian and establish a government. Using the Emperor's name, he is able to defeat any opposing warlords and expand his territory.

China is divided into three different faction; Wei, Shu and Wu. Cao Cao, Liu Bei and Sun Quan become the trinity of China and each of them desire to conquerring the other faction and control the whole of China. This is the start of the glorious Three Kingdom................

Monday, November 16, 2009

The way of Zhuge

Zhuge Liang 依法治國

Zhuge Liang is (what we know) a famous statesman. His primary talent is to govern the country and army. In the story of the romance of the three kingdom, he is known as the famous strategist. But in true history, his talent on governing is stronger than his usage of military power. In the three kingdom, Shu is the most governmental , it is the most well-governed nation. This is because of Zhuge Liang, the chancellor of Shu. So what made him able to govern Shu very well?

Firstly, we must find out his different belief and perceptions. Zhuge Liang's perception is based on three philosophy; Confucism, Taoism and Legalism. To make him strong at governing, Legalism is the most important factor.

What is Legalism?
Legalism is a philosophy by Han Feizi. It suggested that the world is not filled with love and that different people have different characteristics. The usage of law is able to equal everyone, regardless of different social class, gender, races, religion and cultures. Death penalty will be given to crime and murderer. And rewards are given to those who contributed and work for the nation. Through rewards and punishments, everyone will follow and stay to be equal.

Legalism is the most suitable method of governing. Zhuge Liang use Legalism to uphold justice and eliminate all greedy and corrupted officials. He make sure punishments and rewards are equal to all. For example, Zhuge Liang have a favorite general named Ma Su. Because of Ma Su's miscalucation, they lose an important land (Jieting). Zhuge Liang have no choice but to execute Ma Su according to military law, even though Ma Su is a genuine strategist. Zhuge Liang was also responsible for the wrongly usage of man, therefore he demoted himself from Prime Minister to General of the Left. This shown that Zhuge Liang's usage of Legalism make everyone equal, and that punishments and rewards are used accordingly, even to himself.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Zhou Yu


Monday, March 23, 2009

Wat's 以逸待勞???

This Chinese idiom is known as one of the 36 stratagems, which is "Substitute leisure for labor". This is to preserve one's power and assault the enemy when they are tired. This results in a smooth and swift victory without using much strength of the army.

In Sun Tzu's Art of War, it said that the one to be the first to reach the battlefield will be able to gain the most advantageous place and will not be tired. The one who reaches the battlefield after their enemy, they will not be able to gain good spots and will be tired by the long traveling. Therefore, a great army will reach the battlefield earlier than their enemy and wait for them while preserving their energy with training and rest.

In real life, it means not to waste any time, for a tiny piece of time means a lot of contribution or works. To do and make full preparation is better than hurrying up the job just before the deadline is up. We must always do preparations in advance to understand something before we can act on it. Waste no time, take no delays, be persevere and work things in advance.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Confusion of the three kingdom

In the Romance of the Three Kingdom, it seems so thrilling. And even the movie was more exciting with the special features. Yet many people mistook what they saw was real and decided to judge historical figures in their own perception.

For example, Cao Cao was portrayed as wicked guy that corrupted the Han official. That's why many people hate Cao Cao and considered him as a bad figure. In history, Cao Cao was a different person. Though we cannot go back to the past to find the truth, but we can search the ancient text known as 三国志. It gives a very detailed information on the figures in Three Kingdom Era.

Romance of the Three Kingdom is a novel, a story written by Luo GuanZhong. To make the novel special and thrilling, he changed the history and replace some part with interesting details. And this called for many debates and examination to sort out the truth among the fakes.

For example,
  1. Zhuge Liang's Empty Fortress Strategy was considered as fake and unlogic, therefore it never happened in history
  2. During the Burning of Bowangpo, Zhuge Liang was not yet with Liu Bei
  3. Zhou Yu was never narrow-minded and was not angered to death by Zhuge Liang
  4. Zhuge Liang did not order to execute Wei Yan
  5. There is no such thing as the Five Tiger Generals
  6. Pang Tong did not die at the so-called "Fallen Phoenix Valley".

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