Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Arrangement of the Army

In ancient wars in China, formations are formed in order to strengthen the soldiers. There are many types of soldiers to consider, different soldiers have different kinds of skills and weapon.

  • Horsemen - for attacking, penetrating
  • Footmen - a normal component of an army,
  • Archers -long range attack
  • Spearmen - long ranged attack, hold spear, axe or long weapon
  • Defender - Hold large shield
  • Elite troop - Highly trained troops
  • Siege army - Siege machine, ladder, dashing troops
  • Chariots - Transporter, Wagons, Assault
  • Incendiary - Fire assault, cannon, fire material
Now we know the different types of soldiers to be consider, so how do we place them in order to get a solid formation.

The arrangement are (by number of layers)
  1. Defender - shield for protection from the enemy's dashing attack and arrows
  2. Spearmen - defend the halberd troop behind
  3. Halberd - support the spearmen
  4. Archer - long ranged attack
  5. Horsemen - dashing attack
  6. Chariot, Wagon and Assault Vehicles - Total Assault, attack the weakened enemy force
  7. Other forces - elite force, extra troops for support, reinforcements
Using the seven layers of soldier to form a formation.
  • Attacking force - Horsemen as first line, create a wedge formation and dashing attack
  • Defensing force - Defender as first line, large shield, solid in formation
  • Invading fortress force - Assault force, Defenders protect the front line, Siege machines at the front, back and center layers of the formation. Archers at the back to attack the fortress guards.

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